Breaking Down 3 Major Misconceptions About Bail Bonds
When it comes to bail bonds, there are lots of misconceptions surrounding how bail bonds actually work. Misconceptions can hold you back from actually accessing this important service, which is why it is important to break down these misconceptions so you are able to make use of the service should you need it.
Misconception #1: Paying the Bail Bondsmen
One of the first things people have misconceptions about is how they pay the bail bondsmen or bail bond company. Many people wrongly assume that you can only pay the bail bond company with cash. This is not true. You can pay them with your debit card, or you can charge the amount to a credit card. Many bail bondsman will also accept assets that equal the value of the bond you need. They will work with you to come up with a payment method or means, be it a credit card, loan, or the selling of assets.
Misconception #2: The Bail Bondsmen Can Reduce Your Bail
Another misconception people has is that the bail bondsmen can reduce your bail. They can provide you with information that may help reduce your bail, but the only person who can actually reduce someone's bail amount is the judge. The judge will look at the charge that you or whomever you are trying to help will face. They will examine the defendant's criminal record, and they will look at factors that they feel will influence whether or not someone will actually show up to court later. They will use all these factors to determine your bail amount. The judge may even reduce the bail amount or decide you don't need to pay a bail amount.
This is up to the judge. The bail company can't control your bail amount.
Misconception #3: Family Members Can Only Bail Each Other Out
Finally, many people wrongly assume that they can only bail out family members, or that family members are the only people who can bail them out. They are wrong with this assumption. Anyone who is a legal adult can bail out another legal adult. You don't have to be related; you don't even have to know them.
However, it is common to only bail out people you are related to or people you know really well, as when you post a bond for someone, you lose the bond if the defendant doesn't show up.
If you are not sure how the bail bond process works, reach out to your local bail bond company. They will be more than happy to clear up any misconceptions you may have and assist you if you need to get someone out of jail.